This Press Release Was Written by AI
4 min readFeb 2, 2023


Image attribution: Drey Santesson

“I don’t have the time/staff to write press releases”

Now you do.

Can AI really write a press release?


In fact, when it comes to writing copy/content, AI may be best suited for press releases. Why?

Less risk of bias

There is a lot of bias in AI-generated content. It’s unavoidable. Most AI models are trained on content already in circulation on the Internet and much of that content contains some degree of bias and falsehoods. But a press release is an announcement of your factual news. It is hard to insert bias into an announcement of your new product, a new hire, a new book, financial results, or your participation at an event.

Less risk of being identified as AI-generated content

If a student uses AI to write an essay they run the risk of plagiarism. And if a company uses AI to generate content (e.g., blog posts) they run the risk of being penalized by Google. Automatically generated content has long been part of Google’s webmaster guidelines as something to avoid. Google’s spam policies prohibit content that is “generated programmatically without producing anything original or adding sufficient value.” This is why AI and plagiarism-checking sites like are so popular with content publishers. You don’t want your content to be identified as AI written.

Well, I’ve run dozens of press releases from (a press release distribution platform) through and the results are usually this:

Anyone whose job it is to write press releases should be using AI to either write an original press release “draft” (I’ll get back to this in a moment) or improve an already written press release.


It saves you a ton of time writing a new press release and gives you creative ideas to improve an existing press release.

Let’s look at an example, using a tool called — “the first GPT-3 OpenAI powered generative AI press release writing tool that helps you create compelling and eye-catching press releases in minutes”.

We used to create an original press release for the launch of The finalized press release is here. Let’s take a look at how we got to this.

  1. We asked to generate the press release announcing the service. Below you will see our inputs and the resulting press release.
Input on

As you can see, we entered just two sentences describing the news and a few quotes.

2. This is what gave us using Generative AI. This is pretty amazing.

Output from

Note, AI gave us a city of San Fransisco, CA, made up information URL (the URL above was edited to avoid confusion), and referenced a paid plan which does not exist on this service ( is free). There are other changes we made to the final release, but this saved us hours.

3. This is the final edited press release that we used for distribution (view here).

And this is what had to say about this press release

One final point — the importance of human editing

Remember when I wrote “anyone whose job it is to write press releases should be using AI to either write an original press release “draft”? Well, using AI to generate a press release is a great idea but never forget. . .

AI requires adult supervision. Human editing is critical. Never rely exclusively on AI to write your press releases or any other type of content. and other AI tools will save you a ton of time writing great press releases but always edit them.


A free tool from the team at, is a GPT-3 and OpenAI-powered press release writing tool that allows anyone to create compelling and eye-catching press releases in minutes — so they can get back to focusing on their core business goals. Simply enter a few sentences describing your news announcement and emails you a press release and suggested headlines.



News at the speed of influence. is a new kind of press release newswire service. Influencers (that’s you) are invited to join our marketplace.